Welcome to the online store of UK Fire Service Resources.
This section of the site contains all the various products and services that are available and referenced throughout the site. We have teamed up with several companies who supply the products and services to bring you the very best prices and offers available, some of which are only available via our site.
The menu on the left will take you to the relevant sections of the store, where you can purchase the items your require. We currently have the following:
Development / Promotions Products
The e-books and options to complete mock practical exercises within this section are aimed at those already within the fire and rescue service who wish to develop into higher roles within the service. With important guidance and detailed insights into a range of promotional activities, these resources provide all the help you need to get you on your way.
Discounts and Offers
The discounts and offers section is exactly as it says, discounts and offers which have been listed on the site by companies offering products and services to those who visit the site. We hope more companies will join as time goes on, so we can bring you the very best.
Fitness Products
We know how many people look to the site for fitness advice and how important it is to those who wish to join the fire and rescue service. Therefore to save you trawling through the web to find the right products, we have done the hard work for you.
Medal Ribbon Bars
The majority of serving firefighters will now have been awarded at least one of the ribbon bars we have within the store, and should wear it with pride, you have earned it, so wear it.
Recruitment Books
The recruitment section is as popular as ever, and with more fire and rescue services beginning to recruit again, we have the best selection of books that will assist you along the way to achieving the dream job as a firefighter or fire control operator.
Recruitment DVDs
As much as the books are a fantastic reference, some people do prefer to watch a DVD that explains everything they need to know. A large selection of DVDs are now available to cover every aspect of the recruitment process.
Recruitment Maths Help
Maths now plays a large part of the firefighter entrance tests, which some fire and rescue services insisting on a GCSE level of maths. For those people who struggle or do not have the correct qualifications, we can assist and provide help were required and help you become a firefighter.
Recruitment E-Books
The instantly downloadable and affordable e-books within this section are created for those wishing to join the fire and rescue service. Work through practical examples and step-by -step exercises to improve your application form, interview and ability tests (numerical, verbal and situational judgements tests) performance.